Build-Workflow for a map based own regions we have to extract on our own (Example: Freizeitkarte_DEU+):

1. bootstrap:
- (One-time-only) Completion of the build-environment
- Download of bounds- und sea-files
- Command: perl bootstrap

2. create:
This action should be run against both relevant maps/regions, the bigger one containing the region we need (most of the times EUROPE) and the widshed map itself (e.g. DEU+). This action is optional in case the respective directories are not existing, they are created anyway. But this action is a way to delete old data as the directories are deleted recreated:
- Delete old data
- Create necessary new directories
- Command Lines:
  perl create Freizeitkarte_EUROPE
  perl create Freizeitkarte_DEU+

3a. fetch_osm:
- Loading the OSM map data for the region contain the wished map (Europe)
- Data source: OSM extract from geofabrik
- The download is done via "curl" (OS X) or "wget" (Windows)
- Command: perl fetch_osm Freizeitkarte_EUROPE

3b. extract_osm:
- Extracting the OSM data of the wished region from the downloaded bigger region
- Command: perl extract_osm Freizeitkarte_DEU+

3c. fetch_ele:
- Loading the elevation data for the wished region, in our case DEU+
- Data source:
- The download is done via "curl" (OS X) or "wget" (Windows)
- Command: perl fetch_ele Freizeitkarte_DEU+

4. join:
- Joining map and elevation data
- Even if only map data needed to be processed
- Command: perl join Freizeitkarte_DEU+

5. split:
- Splitting of the OSM data into tiles
- Command: perl split Freizeitkarte_DEU+

6. build:
- Generating an individual configuration file
- Generating all map images (img, mdx, tdb)
- Command: perl build Freizeitkarte_DEU+

7a. gmap:
- Generating an individual TYP-file
- Generating a gmap file to install on OS X ("Garmin MapManager")
- Command: perl gmap Freizeitkarte_DEU+

7b. nsis:
- Generating an individual TYP-file
- Generating a input file for the NSIS compiler
- Generating a Windows zipcutable installer file
- This step must be run under Windows or Linux
- Command: perl nsis Freizeitkarte_DEU+

7c. gmapsupp:
- Generating a Garmin image file
- Command: perl gmapsupp Freizeitkarte_DEU+

7d. imagedir:
- Generating the directory structure readable by Qlandkarte GT (and other applications)
- Command: perl imagedir Freizeitkarte_DEU+